A beautiful January Flower arrangement made of Lavender, Peach and Eggplant Poms.
Delight of the month,  Lifestyle

Flower arrangement of the Month: January

This year I’ll be falling for FLOWERS! What I mean is, that after posting a cookie of the month each month in 2024, I found that I enjoyed this little challenge of sharing something in a bit different category than crochet each month so this year will be a year full of monthly flower arrangements.
This is also the year of my 20th anniversary with my husband, Dave. Early into dating, Dave knew that he had a “girly girl” on his hands and that every occasion is a great one for flowers. He made it a point to spoil me frequently with bouquets including a GIANT bouquet of Red and White roses bigger than he was that he used to propose to me with. He always found ways to bring me flowers back then and has continued to do so for 20 years. Flowers really are a magical gift, good for every occasion. Somehow, they soften the blows of hurt , they brighten the joy of celebrations and in everything they symbolize life and how the best kind of beauty usually happens naturally.

Dave is in the military and several years ago, while on deployment, he sent me flowers every month to cheer me up as we were counting down the days that seemed to be never ending. I loved receiving the beautiful and unique arrangements he would send and displaying them in our home was a reminder of why he was on deployment which was a belief that his sacrifice would be a small part in creating a better world for the people back home. Yes, flowers can say so many things without making a sound.

I’m looking forward to letting flowers be the stars of the show this year and I hope the arrangements will help you to enjoy their beauty through photography as well.

For January, how about an understated mix of Lavender, Peach, and Eggplant colored Daisies and Poms? These colors looked so feminine and cheery whiIe I was picking them out. I wanted to start with simplicity and I love how this grocery store bouquet can fit almost any budget as it was only $5.
I bought the flowers and brought them home to a large wide jar, filled almost to the top with water. I love the magnified effect that the water has with the stems and their bright color pop of green. As I was working with the arrangement, I found myself drawn just as much to the leaves and the stems as to the flowers themselves.

Walking by these lovelies on the table as I go about my day, they make things feel a little bit fancy and brighten up the chilly January day. I hope they’ll do the same for you.

My name is Abby Holmgren and I love to create and share ideas through crochet, sewing, fashion, cooking, and visual arts. Briarberry Farmhouse is where I share inspiration.